Happy Birthday Mom

I Made this nice plot for my mother’s birthday (which is today, 4th December) and I thought it would be nice to share it. import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef heart_plotter(precision): t = np.linspace(0, 60, precision) X = 1/100*(-t**2 + 40*t + 1200)*np.sin(t/90) Y = 1/100*(-t**2 + 40*t + 1200)*np.cos(t/60) Y_1 = 1/100*(-t**2 + […]

A Very Notorious Problem, But In 3D

I’ve already made an article on the 2D version of this problem, if you want to check it out before this one, you can visit https://www.mattiagiuri.com/2020/04/21/a-very-notorious-problem/. Now, the 3D version says: if you have 3 reals x, y, z chosen randomly between 0 and 1, what’s the probability that It’s important to notice that any […]

A Python Biology Dictionary

Last year I had to prepare for a biology test, so I decided to combine business with pleasure and write my own biology dictionary on Python: it provided a brief definition and the pages on the book I had to see to find what I needed. Python Implementation from fuzzywuzzy import process import pandas as […]

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