A Tree For The Iris Dataset

The iris dataset is widely renown among machine learning enthusiasts. It contains three species of flowers (setosa, versicolor, virginica) with 4 relative attributes: petal length, petal width, sepal length, sepal width. What we’re going to do is try to predict the species of flower knowing its attributes. Today I’ve decided to show how to train […]

An Old Problem Came To Mind

Two years ago I participated in an online math competition and the problem which was considered as the most difficult was this one: Find Now the trick is finding upper and lower bounds for such quantity. Notice: Similarly If we sum up this relationship for all values we’ll found out it’s telescoping, so we’re left […]

Python Sudoku Solver

Writing a sudoku solver is a great example to show how recursion works in Python. This particular technique is called ‘Backtracking’. Let’s see a possible implementation. How Sudoku Works There are 3 rules you have to follow when solving a sudoku: All the numbers in a row must be different; All the numbers in a […]

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