I played this game with the black pieces. It was not a perfect game, but it really shows how disregarding an attack can result in problems.
1. e4 g6
2. d4 Bg7
3. Nf3 d5
4. e5 c5
5. c3 Nc6
6. Bb5 Bg4
7. h3 Bxf3
8. Qxf3 cxd4
9. cxd4 a6
Instead of cxd4, e6 would have been better, solidifying the structure.
10. Bxc6+ bxc6
11. O-O Nh6
12. Nc3 Nf5
13. Qd3 Qb6
14. Rd1 O-O
15. Na4 Qb4 16.
Nc5 Rfd8
Rfd8 is not precise, I should have gone immediately for Bxe5.
17. Nxa6 Qb6
18. Nc5 Bxe5
19. dxe5 Qxc5
20. Bg5 Re8
21. a3 Rab8
22. b4 Qa7
23. Rac1 Rbc8
24. g4 Ng7
25. h4 Ne6
26. Be3 Qc7
27. h5 Qxe5
28. hxg6 fxg6
Now I have a semi-open file to attack and the siege is about to begin.
29. Re1 Nf4
30. Bxf4 Qxf4
31. Rb1 Qxg4+
32. Kf1 e5
33. a4 e4
After he plays 34. Qe3, there’s this position on the board, try finding the winning move. It’s not difficult but it’s very instructive.

34. Qe3 Rf8
After that, it’s either sacrificing the queen or a forced mate, he opted for the forced mate.
35. a5 Rf3
36. Qd4 Rh3
37. f4 Qf3+
38. Qf2 Rh1#
Here’s the link to the lichess analysis board.