Blue Ocean Strategy

One of my favorite economy books so far is ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’, by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne.

It is essentially a guidebook on how to create uncontested market space and make competition irrelevant. It is divided into 9 chapters, which explain the complete process of creating a start-up that is free from competition and, hence, innovative. 

This book is very technical and schematic. In fact, each chapter represents a step of the whole process and is divided into various subsections as well. It’s common that you will encounter subtle formalisms, such as the difference between user and customer, but that’s not a problem and will help you have a more deep understanding of the book. Moreover, the book provides a lot of examples of societies who have created a Blue Ocean (as they like to say) in their own unique way, for example Cirque du Soleil.

I really enjoyed this book, both for his instructional purposes and because it was a very important source of inspiration. It taught me that, not only in economy, but in every aspect of life you can change perspective and create something that no one else had thought of before, and therefore escape the red waters of competitions. This book has been really important in the process that shaped my aspirations and life objectives. 

To sum up, I recommend this book to everyone, even if not interested in the economy, because although their scope is creating a successful company, the reasonings they make and the gist of their analysis go beyond the simple economy.

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